Monday, June 30, 2008

Wow! This has been an experience. I need to remember how to navigate this blog business. I went to look at other peoples blog and forgot how to get where I wanted to be. I have been busy touching base with my Rotary friends and Humane Society friends. The wind is starting to blow. It almost blew away our marina on Saturday evening. I need to post some of my pictures showing the damage. Fortunately, Sue and Marty and I were off the lake and ready to eat dinner when we had 60+ mile per hour winds. I'm pretty sure the dog wants me to go to bed and I've got an early day tomorrow at DHAR.
I guess I'm just trying this out: sort of like learning how to ride a bike. My day has been busy, enlightening and frustrating. Isn't that true for most of us. Marshall, my wonderful dog, and I went for our three mile walk at 6 AM. If he doesn't get his exercise, he complains in dog language all day. I had a water board meeting at 10 AM. That was the frustrating part of my day. Watching the local newsman perform his antics in front of the crowd made me want to leave. Finally, after two and a half hours, we were let out of prison. After lunch, I cashed my stimulus check and stopped by the title company to see Jane, our new Rotary president. I'm trying to get the newsletter done and need to know who our speakers are for the month of July. Good news: Josh wants to be a Rotarian. I'm so excited for him. He was one of my favorite students in middle school. He works for his dad at the title company. What happened to becoming a lawyer? I guess maybe the bad jokes scared him off.